Tuesday 5 July 2022

Whānau night videos

 A massive thank you to all those that made tonight. It really was a special time for us to be together and celebrate Matariki together. 

Here is a video of the photos that were taken tonight. Keep an eye out for individual blog posts to be up soon.


Here is the video that was playing throughout the night of our tamariki preparing for our celebration while having fun with their friends.


Thursday 3 March 2022

Grand Prix Video

 Kia Ora whānau 

We compiled a few photos and videos together for you to see the fun we had yesterday. Hope you enjoy. Follow the link below.


Tuesday 22 February 2022

Days to look forward to

With the tamariki big interests with the cars and movement we have a few days we have planned for them.  These are for the children attending on these days.


Making steering wheels